Monday, April 15, 2013

Charity's Senior Seminar

Charity is a senior at The Masters College in Santa Clarita, California.  Last week she presented her Senior seminar, entitled Concerns of Couture, A Philosophical Look At Fashion.  As her mom, I didn't want to miss my lovely daughter's big day.  So Nate and I surprised her last week with a  visit.  We were able to stay in the with Charity, and Nate with Joseph.  These pics are in the Home Economics  Family and Consumer Sciences Department.  

1 comment:

Charity said...

Oh! I like these! How fun :) This was one week ago! Boy, things change in a week. My fav is with Natey . . . we look about how we felt, VERY happy and content to be together! Joseph looks like he's giving me a kimura one handed . . .